{The Spirit of God has made me, the breath of The Almighty gives me life. Job 33:4}
I'm a sophomore at Georgia Southern University. I'm growing up with two wonderful, supportive parents and an obnoxious little sister who just so happens to be my closest friend.
I'm just a girl. I've experienced shame and heartbreak from poor decisions and choosing the wrong friends. I make mistakes, hurt people, and suffer from my own selfish desires. Introverted with a love for reading, I make up the average {Romans 3:23}.
But see, I first experienced the depth of Christ's love for me at the age of 10. Growing up in church, I was never quite sure if believing in Jesus was a decision that I was making or the choice my parents were making for me. I cried out to God with a request. If You're real, and if You're there, reach out to me {Psalm 18:6}.
And reveal Himself He did, in a time of questioning my identity and struggling with the loneliness of addiction. He showed me mercy by taking my place on a worn-down tree. And all He asked of me is to die to myself, and walk with Him hand-in-hand down this narrow road {Matthew 7:13} called life.
He then asked me to reach out to other girls who felt alone like I did {Matthew 28:19}, whose shame they let control them. Those who are scared of their vulnerability, of they're beauty. The many who lock themselves away in fear of humiliation and defeat.
He asked if He could be my hands, if He could use them to show other people His love for humanity.
People need to know that there's a love out there that defeats all other. That there is hope for eternal life, and that it comes from Jesus. As human beings, we are sought after, adored, and cherished and that despite our messes, we are still chosen.
I'm not anyone special. I certainly don't have life figured out, and I don't understand everything there is to know about God (nor will I ever). But walking with Christ isn't about understanding, and it isn't about cleaning yourself up to go converse with a random person who just so happens to have control over your eternal fate. It's about surrender. Choosing to get lost in a God who chose to give His only Son so that He could have you. He'll transform you, He'll heal your brokenness. And He'll use you for the furtherance of His kingdom {Acts 1:8}. He wants you to accept His love, and to love Him back.
I'm choosing to get lost in Him. Where He goes, I'll go too.
Will you?
{1 John 3:16-18 "This is how we know what love is: Jesus Christ laid down His life for us. And we ought to lay down our lives for our brothers. If anyone has material possessions and sees His brother in need, how can the love of God be in Him? Dear children, let us not love in words or tongue, but in action and in truth."}
I'm a sophomore at Georgia Southern University. I'm growing up with two wonderful, supportive parents and an obnoxious little sister who just so happens to be my closest friend.
I'm just a girl. I've experienced shame and heartbreak from poor decisions and choosing the wrong friends. I make mistakes, hurt people, and suffer from my own selfish desires. Introverted with a love for reading, I make up the average {Romans 3:23}.
But see, I first experienced the depth of Christ's love for me at the age of 10. Growing up in church, I was never quite sure if believing in Jesus was a decision that I was making or the choice my parents were making for me. I cried out to God with a request. If You're real, and if You're there, reach out to me {Psalm 18:6}.
And reveal Himself He did, in a time of questioning my identity and struggling with the loneliness of addiction. He showed me mercy by taking my place on a worn-down tree. And all He asked of me is to die to myself, and walk with Him hand-in-hand down this narrow road {Matthew 7:13} called life.
He then asked me to reach out to other girls who felt alone like I did {Matthew 28:19}, whose shame they let control them. Those who are scared of their vulnerability, of they're beauty. The many who lock themselves away in fear of humiliation and defeat.
He asked if He could be my hands, if He could use them to show other people His love for humanity.
People need to know that there's a love out there that defeats all other. That there is hope for eternal life, and that it comes from Jesus. As human beings, we are sought after, adored, and cherished and that despite our messes, we are still chosen.
I'm not anyone special. I certainly don't have life figured out, and I don't understand everything there is to know about God (nor will I ever). But walking with Christ isn't about understanding, and it isn't about cleaning yourself up to go converse with a random person who just so happens to have control over your eternal fate. It's about surrender. Choosing to get lost in a God who chose to give His only Son so that He could have you. He'll transform you, He'll heal your brokenness. And He'll use you for the furtherance of His kingdom {Acts 1:8}. He wants you to accept His love, and to love Him back.
I'm choosing to get lost in Him. Where He goes, I'll go too.
Will you?
{1 John 3:16-18 "This is how we know what love is: Jesus Christ laid down His life for us. And we ought to lay down our lives for our brothers. If anyone has material possessions and sees His brother in need, how can the love of God be in Him? Dear children, let us not love in words or tongue, but in action and in truth."}