I would like to forward this post by saying that this is the first time I've blogged since March - and with intentional reason. You see, my writing became less about glorifying God and more about my reputation within the church. I was convicted of this, and chose to continue writing in my journal but remain rather private on here. I'm not sure when/if my blogging will continue, but this is just a slice of life right now. "In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit Himself intercedes for us through wordless groans. And He who searches our hearts knows the mind of the Spirit, because The Spirit intercedes for God's people in accordance to the will of God." -Romans 8:26-27 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// I moved 4 hours away to Georgia Southern University on a warm, humid August day. My life has changed drastically since rolling into the parking lot with no friends, no clue where anything was located on campus, and my mind playing out many fears regarding my future. A future that at the time I considered was my own to decide, when rather I am a vessel (1 Timothy 2:21) used for "every good work" in which The Lord provides me opportunities to love others and share the gospel - in and for His glory. Here are some of the things (funny & serious) that I've learned the past few months: 1.) Swallowing the fear to introduce yourself to someone you don't know is worth the friendship you might get out of it. People aren't so scary after all. In fact, a lot of them are pretty cool. 2.) When you've grown up surrounded by fellow disciples of Jesus, it's easy to live under a facade that you are actively pursuing The Lord. The transition from pretending to live out one's faith to actually living it out is painful but worth it. 3.) In the event of a hurricane, don't freak out. Put your beta fish's tank in the bathtub (he can survive there without food for a week if he's special enough) and it'll all be fine. 4.) Make time for your old friends in the midst of the chaos of making new friends. Your love and appreciation for the old ones will grow immensely. 5.) Yield when making a right turn on red or you might just scuff up your pretty little CRV on the back of someone else's car. 6.) Try not to complain even when the world throws you curveballs from every corner of your life. Your attitude is more positive and people like you better. 7.) Do. Your. Homework. & Do. Not. Skip. Class. 8.) Breathe spiritually throughout your day. Why fight sin on your own for several hours when you can surrender it to The Lord immediately and He can help you carry the burden? (Psalm 55:22) ~Breathing Spiritually : Confession, Repentance, and filling of The Holy Spirit 9.) Join a campus ministry, find a church, get invested in a Bible Study. It's hard, but you make friends and are encouraged to continue your walk with Christ and challenge your spiritual growth. 10.) Love your friends, roommates, and family even (especially) when it's hard. 11.) As the realization of our own sin grows, our appreciation for what Jesus did for us on the cross grows. (The Gospel-Centered Life), 12.) The library is one of the most wonderful places a person can be (other than their bed). I already kind of knew this, but Georgia Southern's library is magical. 13.) Hugs aren't a grotesque invention. They're nice sometimes. (I'm still not a hugger though) 14.) Sleep. 15.) Surrender is a daily thing, not a once in a lifetime thing. 16.) Prayer is so powerful and awesome and it works in ways that we cannot even fathom. If I have questions I should ask Him, if I'm scared I should run to Him, and if I'm tired I should rest in Him. (I learned that in Cru.) "Jesus replied, 'You don't understand what I'm doing now, but someday you will.'" John 13:7
noteThank you for allowing me to share my journey with Christ with you. I am not always right, and I do not hold all of the world's answers, but my prayer is that you will find some peace in knowing that we're on this journey together- and that Jesus is guiding us home. Archives
September 2018